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Berlin Film Festival To Celebrate Babelsberg Studios

Studio Babelsberg, the birthplace of the German film industry, will be feted by the Berlin International Film Festival next month to celebrate the studio’s 100th anniversary. In honor of this event, the Berlinale is presenting a special series: “Happy Birthday, Studio Babelsberg”, highlighting 10 films from each decade of the past 100 years, that span some of the classic films to have come from the studio. Masterpieces include THE LAST LAUGH (Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1924); THE BLUE ANGEL (Josef von Sternberg, 1930); THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHHAUSEN (Josef von Báky, 1943); THE MURDERERS ARE AMONG US (Wolfgang Staudte, 1956); THE RABBIT IS ME (Kurt Maetzig, 1965); GOYA (Konrad Wolf, 1971); THE HOUSE ON THE RIVER (Roland Gräf, 1985); SONNENALLEE (Leander Haußmann, 1999); THE PIANIST (Roman Polanski, 2002); and THE READER (Stephen Daldry, 2009).  After the Berlinale, the series will be presented again at the Filmmuseum Potsdam. For more information, visit:

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