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Founded by Jeremy Taylor

“You’ll Never Find Me” Induces Anxiety

Written by: Matt Patti | March 21st, 2024

You’ll Never Find Me (Josiah Allen/Indianna Bell, 2023) 3 out of 5 stars

From a young age, most of us are taught to stay away from strangers. As life goes on, we may become a bit warmer to random folks around us, but many people are still wary to talk to people they don’t know. Whether it be fear of rejection, the mystery of the unknown, or anxiety about stepping out of our own personal comfort zone, humans tend to congregate around those familiar to them.

Now, imagine you need to not only talk to a stranger, but request a large favor from them to help you out of dire circumstances. That situation sounds a bit nerve-wracking, eh? Add to that the fact that this person whom you are relying on isn’t the friendliest, and instead is actually quite menacing.

Brendan Rock in YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME. Photo Credit: Maxx Corkindale/Shudder

The scenario described above is the central plot to directors Josiah Allen and Indianna Bell’s You’ll Never Find Me. The film follows two strangers who meet late one night during a storm, both unable to anticipate the others’ next move. The taut thriller intrigues in many ways, and though it unravels a bit by the end, is still able to leave viewers fulfilled.

You’ll Never Find Me takes place largely in a single location: a mobile home in a remote trailer park. The quarters are the home of Patrick (Brendan Rock, Carnifex), a lonely, older man who lives on his own. The layout of his residence is small and narrow, but just enough space for someone inhabiting it solo.

Jordan Cowan in YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME. Photo Credit: Maxx Corkindale/Shudder

One night, an incredible storm rolls in. Cracks of thunder and flashes of lighting break Patrick’s usual silence. But those aren’t the only noises disturbing Patrick. Soon after the storm starts, he hears a knock on his door.

He opens it to find a visitor, a young woman (Jordan Cowan) who is soaking wet. She asks him for a lift to the nearest bus station, as she needs to get back home after falling asleep at the beach before the storm. Patrick doesn’t have a car, but he invites her in to get her out of the turbulent weather. What ensues is a night of uncomfortable silences, awkward moments, and a mutual feeling of fear and angst as both Patrick and the visitor wonder if they can fully trust one another.

Brendan Rock in YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME. Photo Credit: Ian Routledge/Shudder

This film’s premise drew me in immediately upon learning of its release, and ultimately led to me exploring the film. The plot is very reminiscent of the first act of Barbarian (Zach Cregger, 2022), a film that I very much enjoyed throughout but do wish its first act was explored more. Luckily, You’ll Never Find Me does just that.

The whole situation leaves the viewer just as uncomfortable as our characters are. Adding to the uneasiness is the unsettling atmosphere that directors Allen and Bell, making their feature debut, are able to concoct using the claustrophobic setting of a mobile home. The film works well as a single-location thriller, as it’s not as stagnant as one might think with different areas of the space being slowly discovered throughout.

Jordan Cowan in YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME. Photo Credit: Maxx Corkindale/Shudder

The work of Rock and Cowan also contribute to the nerve-wracking dread. Rock’s performance as the old-fashioned, suspicious Patrick leaves the audience unnerved but intrigued at the same time, and Cowan performs her role as the equally mysterious visitor to a similar effect. Both characters aren’t quite sure what to make of the other and question if they are who they say they are, if the circumstances of their meeting are actually accurate, and if they are lying. The dialogue is unique and enthralling while also distressing at the same time.

Sadly, the film begins to unravel a bit in the final third. Two plot twists break the tension eventually, one being a very basic, lazy turn of events that anyone can see coming and the other a more original but befuddling one. In a film like this, a twist near the conclusion is to be expected, but I just wish it would be one that is both not conventional and not convoluted. The second twist does have some payoff for the plot, though it remains over-the-top.

Brendan Rock in YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME. Photo Credit: Ian Routledge/Shudder

The conclusion also muddles the motives behind both characters’ actions, leading to a bit of a perplexing finale. However, the very last bit of the story is ultimately satisfying. With an impressive first two acts and a quality last few minutes of the film, I believe You’ll Never Find Me overcomes its early third act woes and overall succeeds.


Matt Patti has enjoyed voicing his opinions on films from a young age. He has lived in the Baltimore, Maryland, area since 2015 and is a graduate of Stevenson University’s Film & Moving Image program. Matt is currently back at Stevenson University, working as the School of Design, Arts, and Communication's Studio Manager.

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